

付学费之前请先确保您Baneks钱包账户内的加币余额充足 。如果余额不足,请先用人民币换加币,收款方式请选择“放在我的Baneks钱包”。

在钱包里找到“付学费”应用,搜索学校名称,输入账户名称(姓名),Roll Number(学费账户),学费金额,即可完成学费交付。 (见下图)

各个学校的“学费账户”都不同,请咨询您的学校,或者查看您学校提供的付款说明。一般学校都会提供多种付款方式,请参考Fee Payment within Canada from a Canadian bank/Online banking的方式,学费账户即收款说明中的“Account Number”,譬如:

  • 多伦多大学Account Number是您的名字和Student Number的组合:

Your account number consists of the first five characters of your surname (in capital letters) and 10 numbers which is your student number with leading zeroes unless it begins with “1”. Make sure you distinguish between the letter ‘O’ and the number ‘zero’.

The account number is ROBIN1000942843 (first five characters of the surname ROBINSON + student number 1000942843)

  • 麦吉尔大学Account Number就是你的McGill ID number.


Your McGill ID is the 9-digit number shown on your McGill ID card. Your McGill ID number was sent to you in the email acknowledgement of your application.


  • 约克大学Account Number就是你的Student Number:

Use your York student number as the account number
